Music Theory 2

Project 1

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Allison Cammack, The Distance
Matthew Dewsnup, Theory Project 1
Cassidy Erickson, Project 1
Zachary Felix, Music Theory 2 Project 1
Adam Garrett, El-Oh-El (A study in the quickly crafted composition)
Steven Hardy, The Redhead
Ellen Johnson, Sing to the Lord Jehovah
Collette Jones, Fugue
Ryan Miller, Happy
Greg Smith, Little Waltz in F Major

Projects on Noteflight

Garon Brett, Sidewalk Chalk
Victoria Darrington, Passibilitatem
Madeleine Dickson, Little Waltz
Abby Miles, Spring Waltz
Madison Moline, Dr. Y is Cool
Jane Nielsen, Shamrock Falls
Carmen Rogers, What if Summer Went Away?